Consult the book of changes:

the I-ching.

I Ching Hexagram Generator

I Ching Hexagram Generator

what is the I-Ching?

The I-Ching hexagrams are symbolic patterns made up of six lines, which can be either broken (yin) or solid (yang). For example: Hexagram 1 is composed of six unbroken or yang lines and is known as Heaven or The Creative. Each hexagram represents a specific situation, energy, or life lesson. There are 64 hexagrams in total, and they are used as a form of divination or guidance. By consulting the I-Ching, you receive a hexagram that reflects the current state of your life and provides wisdom on how to approach it. Each hexagram offers advice on balance, decision-making, and personal growth.

You can find the I-Ching incorporated into other systems such as Human Design and Gene Keys, where they incorporate the hexagrams into the system.
