Welcome to the magic

I’m Joli

It all started with a shy, freckled girl from Brooklyn who dreamed of being a lawyer like Claire Huxtable...

Well, the lawyer thing didn't quite work out but I sure nailed the debating part! 

When I was a kid, I had no idea who I was or where my place was in the world.

It wasn't until I began to understand more about me, my strengths, how I show up in the world and most importantly, my purpose that it started coming together.

Hey there! I'm Joli. I’m a certified coach for anyone who is struggling to find their voice, purpose, and the courage to show up for themselves and their business. I bring real strategies and creative solutions that help you achieve the confidence and the blueprint to make traction and progress with tangible results.

I totally get how you're feeling because I've been exactly where you are and I’m here to tell you it gets better.
A few years ago, you would have found me in a corporate office navigating multi million dollar budgets for my clients, struggling with being overworked and understaffed while trying to figure out how to be a single mother to a daughter with special needs…oh, and did I mention I was going through a divorce at the same time?..Needless to say, a change was needed. 

If you’re ready for change in your life, there’s no time like the present.

Hell yes!

You're not looking to start a business. You want to start a revolution!


I figured out exactly what was causing my fear and it changed everything. Today I use what I learned to help other creative entrepreneurs do it in spite of and start the business they've always wanted. 

Not your average Life Coach. I bring a little more to the table when we work together.  
I believe in having purpose and alignment if you want a sustainable business that you feel good about and shows your highest expression of creativity.
Now, I'm on a mission — a mission to be the loudest cheerleader for you when you can’t cheer for yourself...and the best part? I bring my own pom poms!
So, let's pop the bubbly and get to work! 


let’s bring Your vision to life



My journey. Falling in love with my evolution is a process but I love it a little more each day. Oh, and YouTube + Netflix. Can't forget those!


How to run my business in an entirely new way, a better way. how I want to serve my clients in the best way and setting my business up for the long term. 


Experiences that don't feed my soul or further my growth. 


Every experience I am having is the experience my soul needs for the evolution of my consciousness. (Eckhardt Tolle)

all those who wander are not lost.

Mission, Vision, Values

discover your superpower & step into the highest vision possible for your life.