



sun moon stars

download your birth Chart & learn Your Soul’s Journey

Knowing your birth chart is like holding a cosmic blueprint of who you truly are. It offers deep insight into your strengths, challenges, and the unique path your soul chose to walk in this lifetime. By understanding the placements of the planets at your birth, you gain clarity on your purpose, your innate gifts, and the lessons you’re here to learn. It’s more than just astrology—it’s a profound map guiding you to live in alignment with your highest potential.

When you fully grasp your birth chart, you unlock the power to manifest your dreams with intention and purpose. You begin to understand how the energies of the universe influence your personal journey, and this awareness helps you make decisions in alignment with your authentic self. Whether it's navigating relationships, career paths, or personal growth, your chart holds the keys to unlocking your true essence and helping you manifest the life your soul intended.

When you pull your chart, there is an option to purchase a report that provides more detail about your chart. The report is not written by me.

*Note: I may receive a commission for reports purchased through this avenue at no cost to you.

Cheers to Knowing Yourself Deeply,

- Joli, xoxo!

Current Planetary Conditions

Explore your free birth chart with the birth chart calculator .

Ready to Go Deeper?

a reading can open up so many doors for you.

It would be an honor to guide you through a reading and help unlock any questions you might have related to your journey.